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616,300 - Night 3: Between a Fox Fire and a hard place


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So I was dreading the thought of another night of boring, slow screen analysis, so I just played through my lives a bunch of times. If you don't have fun wuth a game once in awhile, why bother playing it, right?


So, I found a decent patten to use on the first two rivit boards. Then I tried the same thing on Level 3, and that pattern got me caught two times in a row, surrounded by Fox Fires. On the bottom level! The loser level. That means I retreated as far as I could retreat, had Fox Fires on or guarding each of three ladders, and couldn't find the balls to work up jumping one of them at a useful point. They consumed me, en masse.


I think the difference between people who can really, really love old arcade games and everyone else is imagination. The average person would just see a simple program running that positioned their character between some in game points. Me? I saw a bunch of evil fire monsters, with a pack mentality, surround and then devour a kind hearted little plumber. All the while a giant escaped ape watched the procedings, smiling with feral glee.


Anyway, I think I figured out springboard screen 4. And then I died there. I watched the timings, pressed pause a bunch of times to make sure of what I thought I was seeing, and then I planned out when to move. Then I got over excited and ran at the exact opposite of the correct point in time. Pow. Sorry Mario, that's never happened to me before.


I'll try again tomorrow.



Best score ever: 100,500

Best score tonight: 80,300

Best score of the year: 80,300



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