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atari2600land's Blog - Record high temperature!


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It used to be not very often when we broke a new record high. Now with two broken last year, the first one this year came early. The high was 62 degrees F today in Salem, barely beating the old record of 61. The two records broken last year was on July 28 (107) and 29 (106). Was watching the news earlier and heard about this winter storm back east. And as much as I missed the snow this year, I wouldn't wish that much on anyone. I don't think we've ever gotten 2 feet of snow or an inch an hour over here. I remember when I was a kid, we got one foot, but two? And tomorrow, after getting my hair cut (blech!) I get to go to the game store and the music store. On the hunt for the Whirlwind CD I talked about in yesterday's entry.



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