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616,300 - Night 8: Controller rage


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I have often wondered why it is that controllers take the bulk of our anger when something in a game doesn't go our way. The thing that killed us is most often either in the program or in our brains, yet the controller, which usually did exactly what we told it to do, gets the blame.


Today I jumped over a rivit and basically had a Fox Fire (my eternal nemesis I have decided) spawn under my feet. That obviously killed me. I have never understood the rage at a controller that occurs at this point, but I always feel it. I said something very much like "Bleurggggghhh!" squeezed the controller so hard it is a surprise it didn't break, and then flipped the controller up into the air to let it crash on the concrete floor. I instantly regreted it. A few minutes later, I tried to turn around to avoid a fall, and the stiff Proline controller didn't respond at all and I died. I felt so guilty about the last time that I didn't even so much as push a button harder.


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