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616,300 - Night 9: Entering the desert


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So, new high score. 161,500. I died then because of a mis-timed jump into a Fox Fire going up a ladder, rather than because I couldn't go further. I think I was on level 6, but it might have been 7. I lost count. Oh, by the way, I figured out the springboards. :cool:


The thing is, I stopped noticing a difference after level 4. That means I have entered what, in PacMan at least, is called "the desert." There is nothing more to do in order to finish as many levels as possible, and from now on, all levels will be the same for as long as I play. That means I need to not get bored or make mistakes long enough to get from 161,500 to 616,300. Yeah.


It is obvious I now have all the skills required to get to that score, but the big question is, can I be patient and error free for that long, in a constant repitition of the same thing over and over.


Also, how do you practice that? It was something like 20 minutes to get that score, so to start reaching higher and higher, my play sessions will start to reach an hour easily, and in order to beat the high score, I'm sure we're talking much longer again than that. Guess Mass Effect and every other game will have to go out the window entirely at some point. An hour a day is as long as I can spare to gaming.


Highest score this year: 161,500



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