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An 8-bit cuttle cart?


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Say has anyone tried to make a cuttle cart for the Atari computer? I am

not really familar with the gadgets that are available for downloaded software off the net but I got the impression that what they allowed you

to do was copy it from your harddrive to floppy disk.


Also has there been any multi-carts made?



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I have made some sort of project, it's a 8 bit cart reader/ writer(photo 2). it currently supports only 8/16K carts, and i have made a ram cartridge to put the rom image's in.(photo 1). I made it because i wanted to test my written software on the real hardware. The only dissapointment is that there are no atari 8 bit rom files on the net (like atari 2600), I can only play MY games with it...





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I have several "RAM CARTRIDGE" Clone project that i have made, one of them oroginaly was done in poland. (look at the attached pictures). it started as a 128k version. the one in the picture is the 256k version that i have.. and there is now a 1meg version.. there is also a patch for DOS that allows you to copy .exe / .com file from your disk drive driectly to the cartrdige. so the cartridge can contain more then just one game!!!. you can even load DOS to the cartrdige.. there is also a utility to emulate a standard 8k/16k cart.. you just simply load a .bin file into the cart.


if any one want to build one of there.. let me know.. i can send you the neccesary information..






Nir Dary




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That ram cartridge looks very nice ! How gets the information in it ? is there some sort of programmer needed ?


That ram cartridge looks great! Can we expect to see instructions for reproducing it on your website, Nir?


I imagine that you would write to it through the catridge bank area $8000-A000. You would have to bank in the memory like you do with the additional 64k in the 130XE.


I guess software has to be specifically written to work with a cartridge though? I'm thinking of the software that I have written for the SmartIDE interface... it is a little bigger than 16k, and one utility uses the $4000-7FFF window to access extra memory... so I am using $8000-B1xx for program code. That means banking some of it in when needed... not impossible but the code would have to be hacked for a cartridge version.

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I havnt update my web site for more then two years.. thats a shame.. i am looking for a new hosting service one that does not pop'up banners etc.. i will put all info docs/schematics/utils how to make a use such ram cart..


The cartridge works quite simple.. its simply rotate the upper 8k bank when addressing $D5XX etc.. there is a ready written driver that let the ramcart act like a ramdisk.. its can simply be drive #8... and you can copy files into it.. then just power the computer when the cart is inserted and it will boot dos clone menu that let you select which game to run..



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