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atari2600land's Blog - The same old song


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Well, I got the Whirlwind today. Here I was expecting one continuous track of 77 minutes, instead I get the song broken up into 12 tracks. It makes me mad and I wonder why they do that. I guess for people that have short attention spans and don't want to sit and listen to one 77-minute-long track. Well, excuse me if I do. I ripped the CD on to my computer and there are little silent gaps between the tracks which is really annoying. They did it with Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence and Todd Rundgren's A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. My question still is: Why? In Rundgren's case, the original vinyl wasn't broken up, why do it with the CD? Just another stupid dismal day, with torrential rain at times. I'm lucky I don't have to go out in it again. In case you're wondering, Borders opens at 9am. We got there a few minutes early, and I was wondering whether I should just break the glass and walk right in. I bet it would have been OK if I intend to pay for anything I bought. http://www.atariage.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/atariage/icon_wink.gif



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