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atari2600land's Blog - TI-Tac-Toe v0.1


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I went without eating. I worked on this thing for about 12 hours, almost straight. You could say I was determined to get this stupid thing done. And now, I present to you TI-Tac-Toe v0.1. It's a tic-tac-toe program for the TI83+/TI84+. You'd probably be thinking, that'd be pretty easy to program and shouldn't take 12 hours. You'd be right, except for I had no idea what I was doing. Attempt after attempt to get the computer to block my moves went awry. I gave up and went to sleep. Then, I woke up about 6 hours later and tried something new. Success! Now, this isn't perfect, and when I get the urge to program this some more, I will ultimately fix this, but the computer doesn't know how to block certain moves because I haven't programmed the scenarios in yet. But I think it's good enough to warrant a release, and if you play this and see something wrong (i.e., bug, the computer won't block your move, etc.), please tell me. By the way, I only ate a bag of m&ms and a bag of popcorn yesterday and lost about 3 pounds. TI83+ BASIC programming: the perfect dieting tool. http://www.atariage.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/atariage/icon_wink.gif



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