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iratanam's Blog - HI!


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Hi, my name is Kenny and I live in Western Ky. I've been a member for a couple years or so and never blogged or posted a lot cause I tend to be the quiet type although I'm sure my wife would say otherwise :)

I want to rant about Hughesnet Sat Internet atm. I am forced to use them as I live out in the middle of nowhere and DSL or cable is not available. Their Fair Access Policy is what is getting to me lately. I pay $119 a month that limits me to 500meg download per 24 hour period and gives me like 2meg per second DL speed and 1. whatever meg up (of course you don't even get close to this speed.) When they explain their Fair Access Policy (FAP) they tell you if you go over your 500 meg limit within the 24hr period they cut your speed in half for 24hrs (half speed is way wrong, more like half dialup speed.) My daily limit resets around 10:30am CST each day. Today I was FAP'ed 2 hours before time for my daily usage to reset. Well when time for my usage reset I checked and guess what I was still under FAP. Well a call to Hughesnet in which I was told that they will hold the FAP for 24 hours from the time I was put under it. OK?.....Where is my 500megs I was suppose to get for today then? Hughesnet couldn't tell me....Seems the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing with them. After 30 mins of arguing I said fine tell you what put me through to account management so I can cancel service I'm done. Account Management quickly reset my usage and removed the FAP to keep me from terminating service and tried to uphold their so called FAP. When I told them "Look basically what your doing here you have me bent over and don't even have the courtesy to give me a kiss, For you FAP to be FAIR it should be removed when it's time for your daily reset. If I or anyone else fall under your FAP say 5 mins before its time for our reset then it should only be a 5 minute FAP otherwise your cheating people out of their usage they are paying for. If someone is fapped 23 hours before its time for them to reset then 23hrs later it should be removed...and so on. If you add another 24 hours over the time for their reset your not being fair your putting it to them." I will update this as I plan on starting some kinda campaign somehow someway to get a change done on this as I feel that is the only right thing to do. Anyone else who has them and wants to help feel free....


Anyway now that that's over. Nice to meet everyone even though I've been a user for sometime. I too love the good Ol' Atari's and not to be a traitor or anything but also the old Commodore 64 stuff :)






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