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Another STADIUM EVENTS is over $100,000


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That's the 'suspect' one we were talking about in the other thread. That shrink wrap does NOT look original. In addition, people have said that he won't answer questions or put in better pictures of the sides of the box, which you really need to see.


No dobut someone got ticked off at that and bid it up high as a joke.


Even a CIB copy would go for around $10k, but he's not doing himself any favors. :sad:

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I bet you that either the buyer is not going to pay or the buyer is going to retract the bid.




how can we find out if someone ever pays for these high dollar game auctions.they cant be real!

The feedback is the number 1 way. If the seller gives the buyer a positive feedback, than you know it is legit.

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I bet you that either the buyer is not going to pay or the buyer is going to retract the bid.




how can we find out if someone ever pays for these high dollar game auctions.they cant be real!

The feedback is the number 1 way. If the seller gives the buyer a positive feedback, than you know it is legit.


Not always true, shillers leave each other feedback. :ponder:

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"This is the Stadium Events Games NTSC which is still sealed inside the plastic wrap. In my posession here is probably the one and last SEAL brand new Stadium Events game on Earth. I nearly crap in my pants when i found out what this is worth and the rarity of this item. Well you big time collectors i think this is what you guys are waiting for and looking for. Please do not email me with Low Ball offers. Good bidding on this game and may the best bidder wins."


Major issues with tense.


$800k? What a bargain! If I had time I'd check NintendoAge for the real deal on this. The good thing about shills and BS bidding is that now bidders have nothing to lose aside from getting an NPB (non-paying bidder) strike.

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he relisted it.lol


here what he wrote:





Im tired of these joy bidders thats not willing to pay and are playing around do you know this is causing me money to list this up. I will only take serious inquiries and offers only now and will not answer anyone with a yellow star rating. The two highest bidders was little kids that are sitting on their butts with pepperoni face pimples that have no lives. Now if you guys want to really make a offer please email me an offer and i will answer as many questions as possible.



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he relisted it.lol


here what he wrote:





Im tired of these joy bidders thats not willing to pay and are playing around do you know this is causing me money to list this up. I will only take serious inquiries and offers only now and will not answer anyone with a yellow star rating. The two highest bidders was little kids that are sitting on their butts with pepperoni face pimples that have no lives. Now if you guys want to really make a offer please email me an offer and i will answer as many questions as possible.




Wonder why he just didn't take the 13k real offer. Must be greed. HHW

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