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Another EBAY Lingual-Scrotal interaction - "buy it now" from AWOL sellers


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[edit - I thought I was posting this in "auction central" and I was not. Apologies. Don't know how/if I can move this]


Just wanted to reveal another stupid Ebay shortcoming.


I had previously ordered a couple cables from eBay Seller: atari-commodore-n-morestore1?ff3=10&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] and I was ABSOLUTELY satisfied with the cables.


One was the 8-bit Atari "combination S-video and composite" cable eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2605174237161?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=260517423716&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]. Quite simply, the best Atari 8-bit monitor cable I've ever seen - innovative product and the end-all-be-all 8-bit cable.


Another is the similar Commodore 64 "combination S-video and composite cable" eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2505345806251?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=250534580625&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]. End-all-be-all C64 cable. Very happy!


Wished I had ordered more, but had to sample it first. I let months pass by, too cheap to order. Finally, I decided I wanted a couple more of the same A8 cables and one more C64 cable. In my original order, I got a couple of cards from the seller, advertising "20% off on your next order!!" How sweet! Should have ordered everything right then, but put it off.


So on March 8, I decided I better get these while I can. I did a "BUY IT NOW" for 2 A8 and 1 C64 cables. I messaged the seller to set up my invoice with the 20% off and combine the shipping - which has to be done manually for different item numbers. Because the two A8 cables were in the same transaction, the combined shipping did tally correctly by the system, but the lone C64 cable "rang up" with standard shipping charge; this is what I mean when I say the combined shipping must be figured manually by the seller, which they did last time.


A couple of business days past and I did not hear from the seller, and I got automated "Please pay for your purchases" emails from Ebay. I messaged the seller again on the 10th, informing them of this, attesting to my complete willingness to pay soon as they get me the corrected total. I then looked at the seller's feedback - which was spotless and 100% the last time I looked. NEGATIVE FEEDBACKS HAD BEEN PILING UP SINCE FEB 20th!!!!


Something has happened to the seller. In response to some of the negative feedbacks (on the seller's feedback page) it looks like the seller has been in the hospital and his brother has been trying to help with the orders, apologizing and assuring that they are working to get orders out, etc. So something has happened to the seller. I understand - shit happens, and something unfortunate has apparently happened to the seller.


So I tried to "contact" Ebay to retract my "BUY IT NOW" transactions; the seller is not able to perform at this time, it would seem. I pointed out specifically who the seller was, that something was going on, and that in recent days and even as I type, negative feedbacks are piling up daily for the seller, which makes it easy to conclude there is a problem - a fact that is easily verified by merely looking at the seller's feedback page. I pointed out that negating these transactions now - the face of an obvious problem with the seller - would be a lot simpler than filing "buyer protection claims" later.


A couple days later, I got a form-letter reply from Ebay customer service, informing me that "BUY IT NOW" transactions can not be cancelled, and that I am obligated to pay for them in order to avoid an "unpaid item strike." THAT'S IT. NOTHING ELSE. NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ANY OF THE UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES I HAD POIGNANTLY DETAILED IN MY EMAIL TO CUSTOMER SERVICE. I may as well have been totally full-of-shit and made the whole thing up.


I decided to eat the 20% off and the combined shipping, and pay for the cables - as a move to shield myself from an "unpaid item strike" since the pricks at Ebay won't help me. You can't talk to anybody! I remember once before I had a problem and they did an "online chat with Ebay representative" which was totally full-of-shit too, but now I don't even get that option....just a threat for unpaid item strike.


I might want one of their ST composite cables eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2605105711921?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=260510571192&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] in the future, so since I'm getting screwed, I did a "BUY IT NOW" on this, ate the combined shipping, and paid full price for everything. Now I can't get an unpaid item strike. I'll still be happy to get the damned cables - the seller's products are EXCELLENT.


What's a shame is all of my points (easily verified by looking at seller feedback) were completely ignored. I don't know where else to get these cables, so I'll still be happy **IF** I get them for full price. I got another form email from Ebay surveying "my level of satisfaction" with my recent customer service experience.


Lessons here:


(1) Once again, Ebay sucks balls. They're not willing to check on any unusual circumstances, even those easily verified with a mouse click on their own site. They totally assume the buyer is full-of-shit.


(2) I don't blame the seller. I feel sorry for him. He was a really nice guy in my previous dealings, and his products are top-notch. I don't blame him for temporarily not-giving-a-shit about my cables if his life is endangered, and I'm still willing to wait and pay full price - especially so since Ebay gave me no choice. I'd have to admit that if I was having a heart attack or something, I wouldn't give a shit about my 20% off either. I will not leave him negative feedback unless I get NOTHING and have to fight to get my money back.


(3) When acquiring retro-computer/retro-console stuff, GET IT WHILE YOU CAN. These niche products - often the result of one person's endeavors - can disappear overnight. I guess that's why I have 2 USB SIO2PCs, 2 Sdrive NUXX, 2 1541 Ultimate, and have ordered 2 SD-card HxC Floppy emulators. I only wish I'd have ordered these cables sooner.


(4) Even if it's a trusted seller, CHECK THEIR FEEDBACK BEFORE ORDERING!!! Shit may have popped off like it did here.


(5) Ebay sucks balls. Already addressed in point #1, but restated for emphasis.

Edited by wood_jl
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Who gives a crap if you get unpaid buyer marks on your account. Just create another one. Paypal put a mandatory 21 day hold on all my incoming money when I sold things on ebay. So guess what? I deleted my Paypal account and created a new one. Problem solved. I know everyone wants to have a "prestigious" high feedback score, but it will build up again if you keep purchasing on there - don't get caught up in the hype.

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I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in... I had previously ordered some custom cables from this guy and they are amazing quality, HOWEVER - I got a total runaround after I paid, I cut the guy some slack as he told me about some personal stuff he was going through and the cables did eventually arrive with a couple bonus extras thrown in for the delay.


So several months later (February 8th to be exact) I paid for another cable, I didn't order through Ebay as he and I had been emailing and he gave me a price break for being a repeat customer. Long story short on March 8th I did a Paypal dispute. I have not had a reply to the six emails I've sent him. I did state in the last one I was giving him 72 hours to refund of ship otherwise I was going to write this up here and over at Lemon 64 etc... (I completely forgot, but this thread reminded me).


Looking at his Ebay feedback it seems he was in the hospital (according to his son), however I think the truth is a little different but I'm not going to divulge that here as it's purely speculation.


Currently I'm out $14.00 unless Paypal refunds it. Not much but still not an ideal situation. What really sucks is I was going to order three more custom cables, looks like it's time for me to start making my own.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got my refund today. How nice that my $70 was tied up for around a month. Good thing I didn't need it for something else.



This is really sad. As mentioned above, the cables were great. He has at least 2 pages of negatives now, and I see almost everybody on the recent feedback page has said in their feedback that Ebay had to refund.


The big question here is:



How many refunds are they going to do? How can they maintain the listings for seller clearly not shipping, then refund every one? It just makes no sense, whatsoever. It pretty much defies belief that a situation like that can persist.


I was terrified they'd say there was no money in the account.


I considered either not leaving feedback, or leaving neutral feedback. I figured I might want cables in the future, and I assume any seller for whom you leave negative feedback is going to "block" you indefinitely. Is this a correct assumption?


Then I decided it's bullshit that they are knowingly maintaining listings (you can "buy it now" right now if you want) they won't deliver, knowingly still taking money, and knowingly ignoring ALL communication. F**K them. I left them 3 negatives.

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I haven't looked at them too closely, but are the protovision-online.de cables some of what you're looking for? Even with the currency conversion and shipping from Europe, their prices don't seem too insane.

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Nice how after they refunded and "case closed" the "My Ebay" screen now says "I need to pay for 3 items."


Gotta love Ebay.



Between all of this, and one of my buyers who paid via Paypal with an "eCheck" that takes 7 days to clear, after waiting days to "pay" to begin with - I really love Ebay! Too bad we all still have to use it.

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Somebody with belated common sense finally took some action.


eBay Seller: atari-commodore-n-morestore1?ff3=10&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] no longer has any listings.


Too bad, because as others have attested to (and I as well), the cables were great.


Hooray! Now if they'd have listened a month ago, I wonder how many Paypal refunds they could have saved? I guess over at Ebay they're so busy raking in money that this is a minor concern, dontchathink?

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