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Not sure how (and this really isn't the place for it) JAP, USA, EUR, etc can be offensive. It's context. On every can of black beans it says Negros. The abbreviated reference to a region when talking about the origin of some inanimate plastic items simply isn't offensive unless YOU let it be offensive. The word intercourse only makes you think about sex because you have personally attached the connotation to the word. We are in fact having intercourse right now.


The world needs to grow up, grow some thicker skin, and stop making every single little thing a politically correct issue, or we are going to end up sewing everyones mouth shut so they can't speak.


Can you tell I have a little passion on the subject?


Anyways Mywantlist has some treasures to be sure, but has been grossly overpriced on some of them. Especially, the Nintendo promo items offered in the past.




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Not sure how (and this really isn't the place for it) JAP, USA, EUR, etc can be offensive. It's context. On every can of black beans it says Negros. The abbreviated reference to a region when talking about the origin of some inanimate plastic items simply isn't offensive unless YOU let it be offensive. The word intercourse only makes you think about sex because you have personally attached the connotation to the word. We are in fact having intercourse right now.


The world needs to grow up, grow some thicker skin, and stop making every single little thing a politically correct issue, or we are going to end up sewing everyones mouth shut so they can't speak.


Can you tell I have a little passion on the subject?


Anyways Mywantlist has some treasures to be sure, but has been grossly overpriced on some of them. Especially, the Nintendo promo items offered in the past.






well said.

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'jap' is considered a racist term by many people. just saying. i'm sure it was only meant as an abbreviation, but it is offensive none the less. i kinda wince when i see its use.


Jap!!?? no - not in Australia... 'Nip' maybe or other more offensive terms...

'Jap' is akin to 'Aussie' or 'Pom' or 'Yank'

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don't get me wrong, i'm not easily offended. and i'm not a person who looks for things to be offended by. in fact i hate it when people do that.

i knew an aussie would chime in on this too! different countries use the term differently. especially the english speaking coutries that fought japan in WWII.

JAP in all caps is an abbreviation in reference to the country in monetary usage or stocks, but 'jap' IS considered racist.


from wikipedia:

'Jap is an English abbreviation of the word "Japanese." Today it is regarded as an ethnic slur, though English-speaking countries differ in the degree they consider the term offensive. In the United States, Japanese Americans have come to find the term controversial or offensive, even when used as an abbreviation.[1] In the past, Jap was not considered primarily offensive; however, after the events of World War II, the term became derogatory.'



in the usa it is almost always used in a negative way. if someone called my girlfriend in college a 'jap' i would not take it in stride. them's fightin' words. and no, she wasn't a jewish american princess (another useage of the term 'jap')!

and quite frankly to defend its usage shows ignorance on the subject. it's like saying 'spic' is short for hispanic and is ok. it's not. 'nuff said.

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don't get me wrong, i'm not easily offended. and i'm not a person who looks for things to be offended by. in fact i hate it when people do that.

i knew an aussie would chime in on this too! different countries use the term differently. especially the english speaking coutries that fought japan in WWII.

JAP in all caps is an abbreviation in reference to the country in monetary usage or stocks, but 'jap' IS considered racist.


from wikipedia:

'Jap is an English abbreviation of the word "Japanese." Today it is regarded as an ethnic slur, though English-speaking countries differ in the degree they consider the term offensive. In the United States, Japanese Americans have come to find the term controversial or offensive, even when used as an abbreviation.[1] In the past, Jap was not considered primarily offensive; however, after the events of World War II, the term became derogatory.'



in the usa it is almost always used in a negative way. if someone called my girlfriend in college a 'jap' i would not take it in stride. them's fightin' words. and no, she wasn't a jewish american princess (another useage of the term 'jap')!

and quite frankly to defend its usage shows ignorance on the subject. it's like saying 'spic' is short for hispanic and is ok. it's not. 'nuff said.



well I know what NOT to say to the cute Japanese girl at the bar when I am trying to pick her up - in the US next time I am there ;)


*edit* although I might add that Australia joined forces to fight in Japan in WWII also... and still it is kosha! perhaps it is a generational thing?

Edited by nofrills100
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This is one of the stupidest OT threads.


JAP in reference to a video game region, as an abbreviation, is different from Jap in reference to a person who is Japanese. Games have no race, they are not people. They are inanimate objects, and referring to them by an abbreviation does not make them subject to the same terms as people. Get over it.


JAP, EUR, NES, 360, NGC, PAL- these are common descriptors. Context is everything in language. I'm sure you're sophisticated enough to know that.

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ok, but it was not written in all caps. or as an abbreviation with a period at the end. i can see this topic being closed, and i wasn't going to say anything more, but you sir are not totally correct. i get your point, but is it ok to say 'jap car'? how about 'jap restaurant'? or a common one in reference to a japanese product as 'jap junk'? no, it is not. educate yourself. i can't believe you would defend using racist terminology. mods, please close this.

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The world needs to grow up, grow some thicker skin, and stop making every single little thing a politically correct issue, or we are going to end up sewing everyones mouth shut so they can't speak.


Ax, I take offense to you using the word "or" in your sentence! OMG I might just faint! I'm scarred for life now. :P

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ok, but it was not written in all caps. or as an abbreviation with a period at the end. i can see this topic being closed, and i wasn't going to say anything more, but you sir are not totally correct. i get your point, but is it ok to say 'jap car'? how about 'jap restaurant'? or a common one in reference to a japanese product as 'jap junk'? no, it is not. educate yourself. i can't believe you would defend using racist terminology. mods, please close this.



Hey Newb, (I hope you are not to offended by that Slang) Lighten up. It is a common term amongst a region of games. Nothing More. If you don't like it, go Iron your Dress or do your nails. :P HHW

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All those rare games are just a bunch of JAP CRAP anyway.


How about instead of 'close your mouth' we say 'shut your jap'?? :D

It's ridiculous. Honestly.


Stuff like this was a non-issue until about 5 or 10 years ago, then all these ultra-PC idiots suddenly started coming out of the woodwork and it's gotten to the point where they control (or attempt to control) every little thing that people say. Worse yet, this clown continues to try to make an issue out of nothing despite the obvious fact that Dino's comment was not intended as an epithet. But as usual, there's always somebody that has nothing better to do with their time.

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The world needs to grow up, grow some thicker skin, and stop making every single little thing a politically correct issue, or we are going to end up sewing everyones mouth shut so they can't speak.


Ax, I take offense to you using the word "or" in your sentence! OMG I might just faint! I'm scarred for life now. :P


Sheeesh!!!! You better watch out - there might be someone here from Oregon...!!! ;)

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It's totally silly to accuse video game enthusiasts of racism directed at Japan in particular. Gamers love Japan! It's the motherland! Personally I worship the place. I find it fascinating. Context.


These are cool auctions. I wish the starting was lower. I'd bid on more of them. Instead, I'll only bid on a few.


Reminds me, I should list some of my imports in my store. But not for $25 on average.

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It's totally silly to accuse video game enthusiasts of racism directed at Japan in particular. Gamers love Japan! It's the motherland! Personally I worship the place. I find it fascinating. Context.


These are cool auctions. I wish the starting was lower. I'd bid on more of them. Instead, I'll only bid on a few.


Reminds me, I should list some of my imports in my store. But not for $25 on average.

We all know whats going to happen,everyone will snipe the last 3 secs of the auctions and they will all sell for a good price. :P

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Wow, gone a couple of days and wikipedia gets quoted on one of my threads!! :lol: I was using it as an abbreviation, but must admit i use the term freely in front of my japanese friends without offence being caused. Each region has different standards of what is considered racist. Around these parts people have much thicker skins than in other parts of the world. We recently had a bunch of white people dress up in black face doing a rendition of michael jackson on tv. it got the best ratings of the night by far, but caused quite a stir overseas....

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