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Weird RF switch behavior.

Rockin' Kat

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I borowed one of my freind's Atari 5200's.

He has 3 of them, but only one RF switch for them.


The thing is, the 5200 RF switch he has (the one that the electricity for the Atari plugs into) seems to have a preference for older TV's and VCR's. I pluged it into my Sansui 9" TV/VCR combo TV that I got a couple years ago and couldn't get any signal (I tryed channels 2, 3, and 4), it wouldnt work with our Panasonic 20" in the other room which we got about 5 years ago either. The TV he used to use this on was one he got with the 5200, when he got a newer TV set, he couldn't get the 5200 to work with it.


Any way, I pluged it into our RCA VCR which I had connected to the Panasonic TV, and then the game showed up on the TV when I used the VCR's tuner. This VCR was purchased in 1985.


It also works with our RCA collortrack 2000 TV which we purchased in 1982.


All TV's and VCR's I tryed it on were cable ready apon manufacture.


This just doesn't make any sence to me.


I wonder if making a new RF switch for it would be a good fix (using the instructions found in the FAQ), or if it would still be so finiky.

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  • 5 years later...
hrm... just thought I"d let you guys know I figured it out on my own.


What was the problem?


Sometimes on certian tvs, there is the "Blue Screen" option you have to disable. Sometimes the signal from the atari is too weak, and the tv will blue screen out.

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The problem was the need for a new switch box. As to why the old switch box worked with some and not others... I never tried to investigate further once I made a new switchbox for the system back when I first posted this topic.... 6 years ago....of cource I don't even use RF on my 5200 now.... I installed the s-video mod from 8bitdomain as soon as it was released.

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