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Both K-Tel games in this lot


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eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2004541639131?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=200454163913&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


Not mine, but I just noticed this auction and its in Windsor. The shipping might be a high, especially to those of you not in Canada. Hell I'd bid the crap outta this because I could just pick it up for free but I already have those games plus most everything else except the track and field controller.

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He means "hidden" in the sense that the carts with high value are not proclaimed in the title of the auction, requiring a scan of the pictures and a thorough read of the actual auction text to know what titles are actually in the lot.


Most casual eBayers or potential resellers/jerks in general won't take the time to actually scan the pictures or read the complete auction text, thus allowing the auction to go to a more serious and dedicated collector who does. This also means the auction will go for a good deal to someone willing to do the 'footwork' to be able to see the value.


Some people think posting auctions like this in forums is "unfair", because it draws attention to the more valuable pieces and therefore alerts people who would not otherwise bid to do so. Often these are people who won't actually win the auction anyway but will cause the collector to pay a lot more than they would have otherwise.

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I wouldn't say it was commonly accepted etiquette or anything, nor are you breaking some sort of "unwritten rule" to posting auctions. :D Another thing to consider is a simple search function. People searching for these titles (generally either hardcore collectors or people who resell at a 2x markup [not naming names, but there are some of them on here and one in particular is NOTORIOUS for lying and cheating others]) would not find them via an eBay search, but now through a forum link they can easily search for, say, 'K-Tel' titles and now they instantly are linked to an auction that they see nothing but dollar signs for. Since their 'profit margin' is so huge, a lot of the time they can bid $500 or so on an auction like this without batting an eye, because all it's going to do is go back into their eBay store for $1500. This can prevent a serious collector from obtaining items they desire.


If it's in the title of the auction it's entirely different, as any Joe Schmoe with a computer can search for it.


There are varying opinions on whether this is "okay" or not. On one hand, resellers can now get it, but on the other hand, people sometimes think being protective of hidden auctions is unethical in itself because the seller won't get optimum dollar for their items. It really just depends on what side of the fence you're on about it.

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No problem. ;) See Members here can have a nice discussion, without ripping out each others throats. ;-)


I think you're jumping the gun on that a bit, give it some more posts and we'll see what happens. :ponder: (Not between us three upstanding and fine gentlemen, but perhaps others? :thumbsup: )

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Thanks HHW. I apologize to those who were watching and bidding on this. Man, I feel stupid now.


You could always edit out your link... :ponder: :thumbsup: That's your own choice though, I say do whatever you want, I'm not pushing one way or the other. I'm generally neutral about the whole 'hidden auction' thing.

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Not really cool to post Hidden auctions. :thumbsdown: and you're a veteran :D. Blatant Title Auctions and Hidden BIN or cool. :thumbsup: Just MO. HHW

The odds are much, much higher that a reseller will gobble these up if they are not posted here. Yeah the price of something like this does go up a tad, but at least they will be in collectors hands.

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Thanks HHW. I apologize to those who were watching and bidding on this. Man, I feel stupid now.


You could always edit out your link... :ponder: :thumbsup: That's your own choice though, I say do whatever you want, I'm not pushing one way or the other. I'm generally neutral about the whole 'hidden auction' thing.


Nah it is cool. I just have a little bit more comp now. :) As far at Homer's comment this one wouldn't have. ;)

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He means "hidden" in the sense that the carts with high value are not proclaimed in the title of the auction, requiring a scan of the pictures and a thorough read of the actual auction text to know what titles are actually in the lot.


Most casual eBayers or potential resellers/jerks in general won't take the time to actually scan the pictures or read the complete auction text, thus allowing the auction to go to a more serious and dedicated collector who does. This also means the auction will go for a good deal to someone willing to do the 'footwork' to be able to see the value.


Some people think posting auctions like this in forums is "unfair", because it draws attention to the more valuable pieces and therefore alerts people who would not otherwise bid to do so. Often these are people who won't actually win the auction anyway but will cause the collector to pay a lot more than they would have otherwise.




you are my new hero!



i may of been guilty of this before though :ponder:

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Argh... I was hoping to snag this one under the radar. Darn the internet and the ease of finding stuff! :(



There was already enough big spenders who knew about this auction that it wasn't gonna go that cheap. Any type of "under the radar" bids would have got crushed anyhow.


Just wondering how much did you think you could win this for anyhow? I tell you right now I was bidding at least $200 on this myself so unless you are bidding much more than $200 you wouldn't have won even without this thread. I know my bid of $200 won't win it either.

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