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atari2600land's Blog - VB Programming Anger


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I'm programming a game called Castle of Doom for the Virtual Boy. It makes me so angry. Whenever I do something having to do with adding or changing sprites, the whole code goes wacko. I added another bat in room 4, and now the collision detection for the bats (enemies) has gone haywire. Mysteriously, the door collision detection was not harmed. Why can't things just remain the way they are in my code? Why isn't there a Virtual Boy Basic? Earlier, I had to rearrange the bat movement because pressing left or right made it slower (something that wasn't my fault.) If this stupid craziness continues and I can't find a good collision detection for the bats, I may just give up. http://www.atariage.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/atariage/icon_mad.gif



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