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Ebay Question for ya...

Chris Leach

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So I listed this auction during the free spell....

I sold the auction on the tenth day for the opening bid...


Then the next day I expected payment, I get this?


Hello, I was hoping to be able to pay for this item soon but my family needs help with bills and I wont be able to make the purchase anymore and wondered if it would be okay for you to relist the item instead.


What do I do now...I want my $150.00


Is the buyer someone here?




Sure things come up, but this isnt a $20 bid....


I have to pay on the final listing fees....


geez...(I love ebay icon_love.gif )

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People are flaking out of deals more than ever today and eBay has a system installed to handle cases such as this.


You will not have to pay final value fees if you file a non-paying bidder claim. Let your "winner" know what you're doing so he's not surprised. The jargon might seem like it's a big deal, but it's not. You simply file the claim, eBay e-mails the guy, he clicks on a button that reads something like: "we're both agreeing to not go through with the transaction", eBay credits your account and you can re-list the item, so that you can get your time wasted again at a later date :lol:

Edited by save2600
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Yep! I am about to throw in the towel for selling on eBay and just exclusively use the AA marketplace. eBay is so full of liars, shills, and jerks in general anymore it's getting hard to even conduct a simple transaction.


At least with the AA marketplace I know I am dealing with trustworthy people who will help me with my transactions and I'll always get something that's quality and in good condition.

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I listed it for ten days...Lame.....do I get to send a second chance offer?


My last ten days and a bid is placed the last day..why even post an auction for longer if no one bids til the last minute or so anyways?


I hate Ebay (icon_mad.gif )


I haven't seen the second chance offer pop up in a while, but you could always write to some of the people that bid on your item, apprising them of the situation....

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