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atari2600land's Blog - I gotz da bongos!


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Well, I went to the game store. Sitting on the shelf behind glass was a pair of DK Bongos with Donkey Konga. I saw some before, but, after not seeing anything else as interesting, I bought them. Sure, there was a Sega Master System, but I already had one (that I never play. Maybe I'll sell it at the garage sale this summer.) There was a Genesis 3, but I passed. I got the bongos. Now all I need is Donkey Konga 2 and Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat. I wonder: Can an American GameCube play Japanese games? I did some research and found there was a Donkey Konga 3 game released in Japan only. Tonight, after Mom goes to bed and I can have the big TV in the living room all to myself, I'm gonna hook up my GC with bongos and try DKa. Wasn't there a racing game for the bongos? That's what I thought DK:JB was, but after reading the NP article, it's a platformer! I thought I remember reading about a racing game for the DK bongos when GC games were still being made, and thinking it...



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