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atari2600land's Blog - Game Boy Advancing


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I just bought Bomberman Tournament for $5.99. I couldn't pass up a deal that good. So now, I will soon have three blog updates. I have tried and tried but could not find my copy of Pac-Man Collection. Looks like I'm going to have to buy it again. :( So now here's what's coming up next, in order of reviewing. I'm doing this in chunks of dates.

Army Men Advance - bought - haven't recieved yet

Hot Potato - have

Bomberman Tournament - bought - haven't recieved yet

Pac-Man Collection - don't have

Fortress - don't have

Mario Kart: Super Circuit - have

ESPN X-Games: Skateboarding - don't have

Atlantis - have

Rocket Power: Dream Scheme - don't have

Caesar's Palace - don't have

Rugrats: Castle Capers - don't have

Power Rangers: Time Force - don't have

And with all that, that would bring my blog up to speed until September 1, 2001. I figure I should have all these done by, well, September 1, 2010. I haven't really had any...



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