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Paddle controllers.


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Are these considerably harder to find than the regular cx 40's? I've managed to find 3 cx 40's 2 working and 1 not. Though I haven't seen one paddle or keypad. Heck I've even seen 4 or 5 third party controllers. I didn't get any of these since I like the cx 40s and well I can't imagine anyone wanting to trade for 3rd party controllers. So should I be looking to buy these on ebay or are they not that hard to find in the wild?

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Though I haven't seen one paddle or keypad.


Well, if you just find one paddle, then it's already broken! They're always a set of two :)


As for the driving controller, the only commercial game to use it was Indy 500. Although there are some homebrews that can do it (Thrust, hacked Asteroids, Stella-Sketch come to mind).


Paddles are definitely important. I love paddles, and think modern controllers should have a spinner on them somewhere... imagine the possibilities! No more slow turning in fps games... among other possibilities...



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Thanks Albert :)


A photo of Indy 500. That's one of my favorites. Those are all great games. And Ice Race is as good as it gets for sheer mayhem for two players.


Driving controllers and Indy 500 are a must for any collection.


Keep looking for those paddles--they'll turn up!

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The hardest part is to find non jittery paddles, but other than that they do not seem hard to find for me.  If they are jittery, I just take them apart and put rubbing alcohol in the pots and work it in there, it seemed to work for me.


I undid the screws on my standard Atari paddles today to look inside them (I mentioned jittery paddles in a topic recently) and I see a small circular entrance in the middle with a circular object which has a whitish casing, probably the bottom of the paddle controller. When I turn the paddle, it moves too, so it's the same thing. Would I put electrical cleaning fluid down here, or is it somewhere else?

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This morning I rescued a pair of paddles.


Often I drop by this particular thrift .. and there is this huge ball (actually more than one) tangled wires, cables and power blocks. Well the ball has grown to about 18 inches in diameter ...


Today I noticed that the ball had acquired and absorbed a pair of Atari paddles ... so I began sorting out where the paddle controllers are and where the double plug is .. they were on opposite sides of the wire blob! How would I ever sort them from the blob?


After about 2 minutes of pretending that I could solve this problem .. I went out to my car and got a small screwdriver and returned to the blob. I took both paddle controllers apart and set the parts aside .. I then disconnected the red switch and wiggled the wires until the broke. All parts were set aside. Then it was time to address the blob again!


After some untangling I was able to pull the first and then the second cable from the center of the blob .. It finally gave up the cables! I then reassembled the controllers without properly rewiring .. Price: $0.99


I'll drop some isopropyl alcohol and give them a whirl before rewiring.


:D :D :D


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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church, that deal came through today.  I have the paddles, but I need to test them tonight.  If they work and you still want them, let me know and we can work something out I'm sure..... ;)  :D  


Stan 8)


Sure, shoot me a message when you know if they work or not.

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They do indeed work, the left paddle is a bit jittery, but the right one seems to function fine. You may need to crack them open and clean them a bit. But I played several games of Kaboom! with them, no problem. If you still want them let me know and we'll work something out!


Stan 8)

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The other option is one of the Gemini controllers which has a paddle and joystick on the same unit. I've never used one but have heard that they are suitable alternatives to paddles and are a little more common. At least they are around here.


Only problem with the Gemini paddles .. is you have to have the special splitter to play the two paddle games.


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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