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atari2600land's Blog - Turbografx-16 games


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I'm beginning to think getting the TG-16 wasn't such a good idea after all. After getting 5 games I thought I'd be interested in, all of them turned out to be duds. JJ and Jeff and Victory Run came in the mail today. I couldn't beat stage 1 of either of them. The other games I have are Keith Courage, Splatterhouse, and Bonk's Adventure. Nevertheless, I think it's a cool machine. I like the looks (small), the game cards (smaller than a cartridge), and the design of the cart cases. The controller looks cool, too. I don't know, there's just something weird about it that I felt the first time I looked at it and said "I must have this." Now I'm just looking for a game to justify my purchase of this machine.



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