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atari2600land's Blog - ...want to bang on de drums all day...


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I was looking for Game Informer issues in the pantry. There actually was a time where I was pressured into GameStop to get a one-year subscription to their magazine. I found one issue. It has a cardboard thing on it that says "RENEW NOW FOR UNINTERRUPTED DELIVERY!" in big, bold, black letters. I didn't. Well, anyway, out of all the issues I could have found (all 10 or so), I found one with a review of Donkey Konga 2 in it. So I scanned the review and put it up in the DK Bongos Society page. I was looking around for cheap copies of Donkey Konga 2 when I noticed all the cheap ones have no case. I must ask how can you not keep the case! Out of all the CD games I own, all of them have at least the case they came in. I guess some people don't take very good care of their games. The copy of Donkey Konga which I got at the game store didn't have a case, either! What is up with that? Well, since my games still haven't come in the mail yet, and stupid...



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