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Top 5 must have 7800 games


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Most of the 7800's arcade ports are extremely good, there are only a couple of stinkers like Hat Trick and Mat Mania.



I nearly bought a copy of Mat Mania on cart, because I love the arcade Mat Mania / Mania Challenge so much (it's possibly my favorite arcade game of all time, along with Crossbow and Root Beer Tapper). You are not lying when you say this is a stinker, but you are understating greatly. The 7800 game looks, plays and most significantly sounds NOTHING like the game I love so dearly, it's just complete garbage. That music, it's an assault. Thank goodness I tried before I bought, ugh. This translation is remotely like the 2600 translation of Pac-Man, but far worse in that it's no good either on its own _or_ when compared to what it's a version of. Yick.



Edited by Curious Sofa
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The sound on DK grates my ears but it is a decent port. Overall I don't really like any of the NES-style games that came out, they make the 7800 look like a poor man's Nintendo.


That's not the games' fault...



My votes go to:


DK Jr.


Food Fight

Dig Dug

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  • 11 months later...

The sound on DK grates my ears but it is a decent port.


I agree. The audio is what keeps me from playing this game more than I do.

I've had this game for NES and 7800, and also on Colecovision through emulation. The NES and 7800 ports are spot-on with tight controls. The CV port felt weird, but I was playing it on my netbook. Both the CV and NES versions have very pretty music, where as with the 7800, it sounds like they are trying to cram a 1988 port through a 1977 sound chip. The 2600/7800 sound chip (I am presuming they are identical) isn't meant to be pushed like that.


Back to topic: The 7800 arcade ports of Ms. Pac-Man and Galaga are both superb. I also have a soft spot on my heart for Desert Falcon (even the music in it). The graphics are beautiful and though the game play is weird, it's well done and easy to get the hang of.

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The sound in 7800 Donkey Kong for me isn't that bad.It's Mario's running and climbing that sounds out of key, pitch, IMO anyway, that and the theme music played at title screen.The sound isn't any worse than any other games i've seen for the 7800.Talking about stinkers, i had high expectations for FIGHT NIGHT but man are that games controls unresponsive.It looks nice though, i'm glad i bought it, i still play it once in a while.

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Food Fight is a must-have, it's the only home port besides the 8-bit version (which pales in comparison)


The lightgun games, if you have one you may as well get them all, though Bug Hunt feels like a tech demo. Some people have problems w/ the XE lightgun accuracy but I never did. I still have/use it for Barnyard Blaster, a good nonviolent shooting game for the kiddies.


Barnyard Blaster



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  • 4 weeks later...

This looks like an older post, but thought I'd add my .02:








No one said Rampage?! That, and Xenophobe were two family favorites when I was a kid. My sister, brother and I would play these for hours on end.

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