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roberto's Blog - About Project Natal: the future or a gimmick?


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Just a few weeks ago Microsoft has announced they will premiere their new motion sensing technology at the upcoming E3 in June and a lot of buzz has obviously started among both developers and fan/hate boys…


Will it be the revolution in gaming it promises or will it just turn out to be another gimmick that almost no one will really care about?


IMHO, a lot will depend on how Natal is going to be brought to market: to be successful, from the first day after its release it should be an integral part of the 360 and be bundled with all new consoles. Otherwise there is the serious risk that, even if it will be able to potentially fulfill its very ambitious aims, it may still not reach a widespread market penetration and then just be perceived as another “eye-toy” sort-of add-on that can be skipped without crippling the overall/general gaming experience on the platform.


This, btw, should also be the path that Sony'd follow with its PS Move and, interestingly something that, somehow,...



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