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Flashjazzcat's Blog - SIO2SD/XM301 Case Conversion 4 (Final)


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The final stage of the assembly was less time-taking than expected. Fortunately the new button mount proved extremely effective, and I'll be using the exact same method with future builds.


So, first job today was to solder up the switches and LEDs:











Once this was done, the buttons were attached to the special platform I'd made earlier:





The buttons basically run 1 through 4 from bottom to top, with the fifth button being "shift". It would be nice to have them labelled, but I haven't figured out a way to do that yet. :)


The button assembly without doubt demands the most precision of any part of the build, and for this reason I'm surprised it went together so smoothly. The first thing to establish was that the buttons were all sitting in their recesses at an even...



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