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atari2600land's Blog - analog tv > digital tv


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I hope the government doesn't find this blog post. They're the ones who forced us to go digital. Why couldn't we have a choice? They're the ones who say frequent audio and video disruptions are better and LESS annoying than constant audio and video but with a fuzzy picture. Assholes. I remember the days of analog TV (it's kind of hard to forget a few years ago) when these stupid interruptions didn't happen, and TV was way better without it. Now these idiots come in and say "Even though the TV you have is just fine, we are forcing you to go digital and get a stupid box." And I think TV reception is WORSE than it was. Screw the "better picture" garbage, it's just not true if you don't have a digital TV to go along with it. And I really don't care about picture quality, either. If I can make out what is on the screen, it's fine. I don't need "way better" picture quality if I either have or don't have a TV set...



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