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atari2600land's Blog - 2112


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So, I went to the record store today. There was a note on the door saying "It's 2:40 be back in 45 minutes." Being 3:30 and deciding that he wasn't going to show up again, I started to leave, and just as we pulled out, the guy came back. So, I went inside, and found another long song for my records collection: Rush's "2112." It just ended playing on my record player. It didn't sound very good. It's either the record or the player, I don't know which. I think next month I really NEED to get a new record player. I've seen the ones with USB ports so you can upload your vinyl to your computer. Has anyone done that before? If so, I have two questions: #1 - how does the computer file sound, and #2 - Is there a model where that's an option and something you don't neccessarily HAVE to do in order to use the record player? Most of all my vinyl I have on CD anyway, so there's really no point in doing that, it's just sometimes I...



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