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atari2600land's Blog - DK Bongo Society Store


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Just to let you guys know, I got an extra Donkey Konga 2 game that I'm selling in my newly formed Store. A great game if you either have the bongos or don't. More information here. I got Cookie Monster Munch. Can someone hack the game so it uses the joystick, or would that be impossible? It uses the keypad, so the controls are kind of weird moving Cookie Monster around with no joystick. I'm wondering how they did the giant screen-filling Cookie Monster animation after you put the cookie(s) in the jar. My computer acted strangely earlier. For no good reason it froze and shut off and after resetting the stupid thing twice and getting a blue screen, I just turned it off and turned it back on again. Worked perfectly, and I got a message saying it recovered from a serious error. So I don't know what was going on there. So that's what's new with me.



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