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lost blog - List of recommended DS Games, Software, and Hardware


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List of recommended DS Games, Software, and Hardware


Animal Crossing: Wild World

I'm sure by now my town is weedy and my house is full of mice


Arkanoid DS

While not my favorite port, I wanted it to use the Taito paddle


Big Bang Mini

Colorful and fun in short bursts


Big Brain Academy

I haven't played in a while. I think my brain is shrinking.


Brain Age

Another fun game that makes you think.


Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars

As I'm writing this list, I am waiting for my DS to charge so I can play this some more. :)


DK: Jungle Climber

I enjoyed King of Swing on the Gameboy Advance, so I had to get the sequel.


Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen

I don't play through a lot of RPGs. I have a fondness for the DQ series. This is my favorite yet.


Elite Beat Agents

Silly and fun rhythm game.


Giana Sisters DS...</img>



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