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I've not found a thing at the Salvo and charity shops here for years. About all you get is the occasional PS1 and/or games.


We used to have a local rubbish recycling place though... scored plenty there including 1050, Amiga and 130XE all for 5 bucks apiece.

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Unfortunately, most of the used shops around here always turned away or tossed the older gaming computers. I know a few of the owners and they tell me there isn't a market for them locally, so they'd be wasting space. :(

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I've seen a few bits and pieces pop up in the last couple of years. An Amiga showed up at a car boot sale a few weeks ago and a couple of years ago I came across a guy selling a few classic systems, including a boxed 800XL.


As for shops turning away classic gear, the worst offender was a short-lived games store in town. I went there one day to find that the idiot behind the counter had turned away a Vectrex with a dozen games. All the seller wanted was £40. This is going back about 11-12 years when Vectrex systems were going for £100 on eBay.

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