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Atari 7800 Video Mod woes..


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Hey guys,


So I ended up receiving my 7800 in the mail yesterday. I originally purchased it a few months ago from a seller here on AA, however, the RF port was busted (There was no sound). The seller offered to A/V mod it for me, which I accepted. A couple months down the road (what a wait, I tell ya), I receive the system, but all is not well. Asides from my system casing being cracked (Something I *may* have been able to live with), it seems that the colors are not showing up properly (I have taken a video of it and uploaded it to my YouTube account, see link below). For example, the title in Galaga is orange (as opposed to green), enemies have pastel-like colors to them, and your ship barely shows up (what *is* there is now purple); In Donkey Kong, DK shows up as a bright orange/yellow pastel-ish color; In Super Pac-Man, everything seems dark, the ghosts eyes are black, the keys hardly show properly, and the gates are invisible. Does this sound like a shoddy A/V job, or is it possible a standard A/V mod wasn't done (I do notice that the video port is green versus the standard yellow)? I'm not all that experienced with this sort of thing, so if anyone has any input, advice or words of wisdom they would like to add, it will be greatly appreciated! :)


Video link:



Also, the AA thread where I originally received my system is here (For those curious): http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/158635-having-tv-connection-problems-with-my-7800/

Edited by Austin
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No, I do not. I have yet to receive a response from the seller, I will ask once I hear back.


You could open it up and take a picture of the motherboard. It should be pretty easy to identify which mod it is with that.


Ah, ok. I will do that in a few hours when I get out of work.

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All right, the seller ended up contacting me prior to taking any photos. He's agreed to swap out the unit, so it's a done deal. I do want to note that there was a brightness/sharpness knob wired up in the mod. Not sure if this is in any other mod out there. With adjusting it and and the black hue rotary found on the motherboard, I was able to adjust the sharpness and colors. However, doing so didn't fix the fact that certain colors weren't appearing whatsoever. Since it's clearly some kind of wiring issue, I've decided not to mess around with it and just get another stock unit.

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