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MagitekAngel's Blog - The FPS Kick


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Like many of you (well, at least a few of you), I am of the opinion that there are way too many First Person Shooters coming out these days. Taken on their own, a fair amount of them are good games - hell, some are outright modern day classics. But I can't be alone in thinking we've played through World War II enough times already, be it literally (Medal of Honor, Call of Duty) or metaphorically (I'm looking at you, Halo).


The newest FPS I've given a fair shake is Half Life 2, and only in short, infrequent installments. I'll play for an hour, forget about the game for a few weeks, and pick it back up again and spend a few minutes wondering where the hell I am. I bought that game in the Orange Box almost a year ago, and as it so happens, I'm still working on my first playthrough.


So with that six-year-old title standing as my most recent foray into the FPS genre (assuming we don't count RPG hybrids like Fallout 3), I can say fairly decisively that...



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