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atari2600land's Blog - CIB SNES games


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Went to the game store. Saw the Colecovision with about 15 or so boxed games for $130. If I had $130 I'd buy it in a heartbeat. But I don't. So my new collecting fad is boxed Super Nintendo games. I got Pinball Fantasies, Harley's Humongous Adventure, Zoop, and Jeopardy Deluxe, all with boxes and manuals, for $21.80. Looked on Nintendoage and according to them, Pinball Fantasies is an R7! I only paid $10. And it's tied with Miner 2049er Volume 2 and Atari Video Cube as the rarest games I own (both of those for the 2600 are R7s.) In other news, the tradition continues. Today is my mom's birthday, and I don't know how this got started (I think I did it), but for each other's birthdays we cut out words in newspaper headlines and advertisements that either describe (more often not, but amusing) the person. I think my best find in the paper was the word "weird." I also go out of my way to do very amusing ones, like "shocks...



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