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atari2600land's Blog - It is the teens...


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...and there is time for Klax. Just found a good deal at the Goat Store. Sometimes they're overpriced, sometimes under. DP's website says Klax for the TG16 is worth $20. I bought it for $12. It just seems weird to say that it's the teens. Someone has been buying a lot of TG16 games apparently. Last time I looked there were fewer than I saw the time before last. Why Klax? It looked like the only game I'd even remotely enjoy for under $20. There doesn't really seem to be very many puzzle games for the Turbo-Grafx 16. The only other one I know of is Tricky Kick. I have been neglecting my TG16 lately. I thought about buying some boxed SNES games, but I figure I need more TG16 games than SNES ones. I have like a few dozen SNES games and only 5 TG16 ones.



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