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7800 Game ads

Classic Pac

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I find it almost laughable that you rarely see any original game ads for any of the 7800 games outside of the catalogs of course. But in the process of scanning some magazines for the Out of Print Archives site whose link is in my signature I came across 2 7800 game ads Ikari Warriors and Alien Brigade. If any one else has more ads they like to see in my album on Photobucket PM me and we see what we can arrange.



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I find it almost laughable that you rarely see any original game ads for any of the 7800 games outside of the catalogs of course. But in the process of scanning some magazines for the Out of Print Archives site whose link is in my signature I came across 2 7800 game ads Ikari Warriors and Alien Brigade. If any one else has more ads they like to see in my album on Photobucket PM me and we see what we can arrange.



Yeah, it's funny, but besides the couple of TV commercials they did early on, Atari did next to no advertising for the 7800, at all. No wonder the NES and Sega beat the crap out of it.

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I find it almost laughable that you rarely see any original game ads for any of the 7800 games outside of the catalogs of course. But in the process of scanning some magazines for the Out of Print Archives site whose link is in my signature I came across 2 7800 game ads Ikari Warriors and Alien Brigade. If any one else has more ads they like to see in my album on Photobucket PM me and we see what we can arrange.



Yeah, it's funny, but besides the couple of TV commercials they did early on, Atari did next to no advertising for the 7800, at all. No wonder the NES and Sega beat the crap out of it.


Yeah but NES would have beat the crap out of Atari no matter how much they advertised. I had a 7800 as a kid and it sure didn't keep me from drooling over the NES. :lol:

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I find it almost laughable that you rarely see any original game ads for any of the 7800 games outside of the catalogs of course. But in the process of scanning some magazines for the Out of Print Archives site whose link is in my signature I came across 2 7800 game ads Ikari Warriors and Alien Brigade. If any one else has more ads they like to see in my album on Photobucket PM me and we see what we can arrange.



Yeah, it's funny, but besides the couple of TV commercials they did early on, Atari did next to no advertising for the 7800, at all. No wonder the NES and Sega beat the crap out of it.


Yeah but NES would have beat the crap out of Atari no matter how much they advertised. I had a 7800 as a kid and it sure didn't keep me from drooling over the NES. :lol:


Had they invested advertising money, and then sold enough games to have capital to then develop better games and license out to more 3rd party companies, it might have been different.


I' think I'm pretty much the only person of this age range who was never impressed with the NES. Until the NES came along, I'd never heard of a cart-based gaming system dying because of regular use, or because of a few dust bunnies. Nevermind the ridiculously awful flickering graphics.

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I find it almost laughable that you rarely see any original game ads for any of the 7800 games outside of the catalogs of course. But in the process of scanning some magazines for the Out of Print Archives site whose link is in my signature I came across 2 7800 game ads Ikari Warriors and Alien Brigade. If any one else has more ads they like to see in my album on Photobucket PM me and we see what we can arrange.



Yeah, it's funny, but besides the couple of TV commercials they did early on, Atari did next to no advertising for the 7800, at all. No wonder the NES and Sega beat the crap out of it.


Yeah but NES would have beat the crap out of Atari no matter how much they advertised. I had a 7800 as a kid and it sure didn't keep me from drooling over the NES. :lol:


Had they invested advertising money, and then sold enough games to have capital to then develop better games and license out to more 3rd party companies, it might have been different.


I' think I'm pretty much the only person of this age range who was never impressed with the NES. Until the NES came along, I'd never heard of a cart-based gaming system dying because of regular use, or because of a few dust bunnies. Nevermind the ridiculously awful flickering graphics.


Ridiculously awful graphics? Maybe some computers were better, but games like "Super Mario Bros" and "Punch Out" were leagues ahead of prior consoles graphically. Not to mention the the deeper, more innovative gameplay compared to the same old arcade rehashes on the 7800.


I admit the system was a piece of junk reliability wise.

Edited by mbd30
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Yeah, it's funny, but besides the couple of TV commercials they did early on, Atari did next to no advertising for the 7800, at all. No wonder the NES and Sega beat the crap out of it.


They did do a bit retail advertising, which often has a broader reach and is just as expensive as magazine ads. Those ads you see for XBox 360 in "Best Buy" flyers aren't given out by the goodness of Best Buy's heart. icon_razz.gif


but yeah, they didn't really do a lot of print ads until after they were through their XE phase. By then, it was too late.


Anyone remember the "Pick A Fight After School" 2 page spread? I also remember a few ads in DC comics.

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Ridiculously awful graphics? Maybe some computers were better, but games like "Super Mario Bros" and "Punch Out" were leagues ahead of prior consoles graphically


Compared to the 2600 and Intellivision, I totally agree. but the first time I saw the NES, I had played the Colecovision not long earlier. It certainly looked like an improvement but I didn't find it to be "leagues beyond" at the time. My friend had this game, which stood out graphically.




What struck me was the depth of the games and the music initially with the NES. I remember really being wowed by CASTLEVANIA back in the day due to these factors.

Edited by DracIsBack
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I love that these two rare print ads are for two of the rarest games!


The 7800 was so far of the radar in the 80s that I never new it existed. All I saw were ads for XE and the 50 bucks 2600 campaign.

I've been wondering if we even got the 7800 in Canada. I didn't see one at the time, but then, I live in rural Newfoundland, and that's kind of like growing up in the Shire. So it was real pretty and everyone was nice, but we didn't have a lot of fancy consoles (and an occasional attack from orcs).

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I've been wondering if we even got the 7800 in Canada. I didn't see one at the time, but then, I live in rural Newfoundland, and that's kind of like growing up in the Shire. So it was real pretty and everyone was nice, but we didn't have a lot of fancy consoles (and an occasional attack from orcs).


What we need is someone to dutifully scan all the Canadian versions of the Sears Wishbooks, the U.S. books are all over the net already.


I'm sure it got some kind of release as I have run across 7800 controllers & consoles in the wild. It is rarer to come across than 2600 Jrs so its an indication of its poor sales.


The 5200 also seems quite rare compared to the Colecovision in this country.

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I've been wondering if we even got the 7800 in Canada. I didn't see one at the time, but then, I live in rural Newfoundland, and that's kind of like growing up in the Shire. So it was real pretty and everyone was nice, but we didn't have a lot of fancy consoles (and an occasional attack from orcs).


We did. I bought mine at K-Mart Canada and got games for it at K-Mart, Toy City and Toys R. Us Canada.


Although games stopped coming to Canada around TOWER TOPPLER, DARK CHAMBERS and DOUBLE DRAGON.

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We did. I bought mine at K-Mart Canada and got games for it at K-Mart, Toy City and Toys R. Us Canada.


Although games stopped coming to Canada around TOWER TOPPLER, DARK CHAMBERS and DOUBLE DRAGON.


I'm not sure we had any of those stores in Newfoundland back then. We have Toys R Us (in St. John's anyway) now, but I don't know if we had it then. Do you know if anyone else carried it? I've seen two in the wild here, but it is entirely possible those came from either Catalogues or people buying consoles while on the mainland. I don't remember ever seeing one, and I practically lived for videogames.

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