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GameGavel.co.uk - Europe - Now Open


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Mods - I would have put this in our sticky thread, however, I can no longer edit the thread title with new information.


GameGavel Europe is now open at http://www.GameGavel.co.uk





Those of you who registered for your Lifetime Free Seller Accounts in Europe can now get your listings up and running. Please try to continue to relist unsold items as needed and keep them running. It is very important during this start-up phase to have a good selection of listings.


We also ask that you help us, by promoting your listings in the UK/Euro gaming and computer forums you all participate in. There is a very cool selling tool you can use that will automatically generate “listing links” you can cut-and-paste into those forum marketplace areas. To do this simply login to your members area, click on Seller Tools. Then on the lower left of the screen you will see “Lists for Promotions”. Using the drop down menu find the auctions you want to promote and then the system will generate these cool links and all you need to do is cut-and-paste them and you are done.


We will also be doing our best to promote the site around Europe. So working together we can populate the site with listings and then with bidders/buyers and grow the site into the video gaming auction alternative we all want.


We will have bugs and glitches to be sure. Please report any bugs to admin@gamegavel.com and we will jump right on them J



If there are any other existing members from Europe who are reading this email and you do not have a Free Seller Account then we are offering you one in trade for bringing some auction listings to GameGavel Europe at launch.


Please email us at admin@gamegavel.com to request your Free Seller Account upgrade. This will get you lifetime use of GameGavel Europe without having to pay any listing or selling fees. But remember, you must list some items soon after we launch. This is a limited time offer so take advantage now.



We still have a few days left for USA/International buyers to lock-in to a Lifetime Free Seller account for only $20. If you are ever going to sell on GameGavel in the future this will be the deal of a lifetime. Pay $20 and never have to pay listing or selling fees on GameGavel ever! Contact us and request your Free Seller Account now at admin@gamegavel.com



All members are registered on both sites so feel free use them both accordingly. Some USA members had asked if they can list their PAL items on GameGavel Europe and that is totally cool if you want to try. Remember, both sites will require separate logins (using your same existing login information), however.


Thanks again for being apart of GameGavel.com -- the World’s premier video gaming auction alternative.


So Cal Mike, GameGavel.com

UK Mike, GameGavel.co.uk

Edited by Parrothead
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I've been preparing loads of stuff in anticipation of your opening of the EU GG, I will be listing 50-100 seperate auctions this weekend!


Sweet. You can put your free seller account to good use. It is much appreciated.

Edited by Parrothead
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