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lost blog - DOS Game Recommendations?


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I have a 4th grade student who is absolutely obsessed with the Doom series of games, Shadow Warrior, and Abuse. He uses DOSBOX to play them on his PC at home.


Unfortunately, I cannot use these games to motivate him at school... nor should I be engaging with him in conversation about the games since they are ultra-violent. I'm wondering if anyone has some DOS game recommendations that might also be elementary school appropriate? Thanks in advance! ;)


(Admittedly, I hadn't played

until tonight. I rather enjoy Abuse, but Shadow Warrior didn't really do it for me; I've never been a big fan of gory Doom-like games.)




While I'm posting... does anyone have a GBA SP that they'd like to sell me for cheap? Currently, I let my students earn time with my Gameboy Advance, but the screen is dark and it is getting pretty battered (I've replaced the protective screen twice).



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