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(Insert stupid Blog name here) - Not exactly insomnia


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So, it's 5:00 AM, and I'm wide awake. This is a side-effect of this time of year at my job.


As with last year and the year before, and for that matter, the previous sixteen or so years, I've been burning the midnight oil at both ends (how's that for a mixed-metaphor?) getting our end-of-the-year showing of student films put together. The first show was on Saturday afternoon (May 1st), and from Friday through Sunday morning I was awake about 40 hours straight, minus a short cat-nap in my office on Saturday, and only went home long enough to shower (mercifully) on Saturday morning. I didn't bother tracking my hours for the week this year, but in previous years it's been about 80-100, and it sure feels like about that many again. I've been trying to catch up on my sleep, but unfortunately, my body is dictating when...



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