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Robin Gravel's Blog - My new computer


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I bought a new computer in October 2009, a Sony Vaio and it's my first laptop.


My new computer is more powerfull than my previous computer, a Micor a Pentium Celeron.


Vaio can play Blu-Ray videos and I can play the Sims 3.


Unlike other people say bad things about Windows Vista with annoying alerts, I didn't see any of them so I won't upgrade to Win 7.


Whilemy laptop cannot catches fire, it can still melt chocolate bars if they are too near the computer at the heat source.


When I make flash movies, I have less problems (less crashes) with Vaio than with Micor.


Vaio cannot play DOS game directly because Vista does not support DOS either. Thanks to Dosbox, I still can play DOS games and make new ones as well.


The only drawback is that Vaio cannot play midi songs the same way than my previous computer. Some songs play better on Vaio. Some songs play better on my previous computer.

The other drawback, I can't recording midi to mp3 or wav directly on computer, I...



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