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lost blog - My Games


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This is where I will list games that I have made.


I've slowly been digging up and recompiling some of my older stuff to Flash... I'm not really all that motivated, but maybe one day I'll have a proper list. For now, I've only got two. Yay.


A Circus Atari clone

The first version was for Klik of the Month on Glorioustrainwrecks.com .


A Stacker clone

A guy posted on Clickteam's forums asking for help to write a Stacker clone. I responded with some tips and then got a little carried away and put together my own Stacker clone. :P


A Frogger clone

I made this entirely in KNP. I didn't care for the Frogger midi I found online, so that's why the music/sound is the way it is. I have since made a Frogger clone in Warioware D.I.Y. that uses these same (though slightly modified for the palette) graphics. :D



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