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Planet Bob - Playing Dugger (Amiga)


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Hi there!


I bet you can guess from the screenshot what attracted my attention here:




Yup, when reading about Dugger, I was expecting no less than Dig Dug on steroids :lolblue:


How wrong I was... :ponder:


This rare swiss game production from Linel starts with a very cool intro sequence showcasing excellent Amiga graphics and music. Wile the music can hold this quality level during the actual game, the graphics are a first downer.


Content wise it's the most blatant Dig Dug ripoff you can imagine. It's really just that, there's not a single new idea in the whole game. What's really a shame though, is the poor playability of the game.


There's so many flaws, I wonder if this was playtested at all. Let's start with the boulders, a key mechanic of Dig Dug. Gone is the happy camping underneath a boulder: In Dugger they fall immediately!

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