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Tickled_Pink's Blog - For Suck Fakes, Why Can't Politicians Work Together?


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The silly season is lasting longer than expected thanks to the British electorate's wise decision to demand a hung parliament. I think that most have been disappointed to discover that a hung parliament doesn't mean what it says on the tin.


At the moment we have all kinds of wrangling and discussions going on between the three largest parties. Or, more accurately, the winners and the third place losers - with the second place losers desperately trying to hijack a deal between those two to form a government. For those who don't understand the situation in the UK at the moment, it basically boils down to this:


No party has a majority of seats in parliament that would allow them to effectively control parliamentary business. I'll tell you why this is a good thing in a bit. But what it means that the winners (Conservatives) are having extensive talks with the Liberal Democrats, who came third. A coalition containing these two parties will contain enough seats to have a...



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