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atari2600land's Blog - Poor Indiana


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So I go to Fred Meyer today (a local department store.) The only Didj game they had was like four copies of Indiana Jones. Apparently ol' Indiana isn't as popular as he was when the last movie came out. But I got one. So now I have two, along with the SpongeBob game I got last Friday. Going to Toys R Us this Friday, hope to find some more titles. All I've had to pay for the games so far is $14.99 for both of them. Hopefully Toys R Us will have some cheap games, too, like Sonic the Hedgehog (I really want that one, to see how well Sonic made the jump to the Didj. How in the heck do they incorporate learning into a Sonic-style adventure? This'd also be an awesome chance to see how well fast scrolling can be done on the system.)



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