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atari2600land's Blog - It's fan time


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Well, today's high reached 77 F. And although that doesn't really sound very impressive, the heat in my room caused me to get out the fan. Mind you we have air conditioning, but Mom refuses to put it on not quite yet, she's not hot at all. I'm burning. I was just thinking of planning on trying to get some more vinyl records. Kind of makes you wonder why they couldn't find some other non-melting material to make them out of. Now it's probably not hot enough to melt them, but I am hot. And I hate this time of year myself: the beginning of Summer. I hate summer. It's too hot, the sun is too bright, and all the bugs are flying around. I wish it was October. My favorite season is Winter, staying up to see if it's going to snow. I love snow. Plus there are no bugs to worry about. I hate bugs. They're just icky. Klax for the TG16 came in the mail today. It's about time! Is it me or is the mail delivery getting slower and slower? I'm still...



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