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Christos' Blog - Low Res issue 3 has been released.


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Phew, after a 2 week delay we managed to pull another issue. As usual this webzine features a lot of demoscene content but also non sceners will find it interesting. It's hard to find highlights in this issue but let me tell you what I've done (yes I am lazy)


JagCF. Zerosquare and SCPCD talk to us about it.

Reboot. They explain their philosophy, their views on the jaguar and their plans to support the 16/32 machines.

Gemworld. What's new in applications and stuff for your Atari ST/TT/Falcon Machines

Open discussion with Thorn about the future of STOT.


Well, I've been lazy in this release but the other's haven't. So let me get some highlights for you.


An Outline 2010 report by Cih that made me feel even sadder I couldn't attend.

Beetle explained how to convert a video so it can be played on a Falcon

SSB looked at the classic ST game and STOT selection Dugger

And Thorn looks at Twitter as the replacement for realtime articles.


So what are you...



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