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EricBall's Tech Projects - which iPod shuffle?


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My wife has suggested getting my son an iPod Shuffle (or similar) to replace the kiddie cassette player he has. A bid advantage of going with an iPod is my son can therefore get stuff from my wife's iTunes library. However...


Reasons I don't like the current 3rd generation iPod shuffle:

1. C$70+tax

2. Controls on the headphones. However, C does think K's iPod headphones are comfy.

3. It's dang tiny, just looking to get lost.

4. Requires a special USB cable for charging & sync. (Something else to get lost.)


I like the 1st generation iPod shuffle, and I can get one for C$30+tax. But they are ~5 years old so I'm not sure how good the battery & flash will be. Then again, my batting average for iPods from eBay ain't the greatest and it's about half the cost of a new one anyway.


Going with a non-iPod MP3 player isn't really an option 'cause it couldn't play anything purchased from the iTunes store.


So I'm torn. Buy...



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