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atari2600land's Blog - Argh!


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Just when I finish composing a MIDI of background music to Tic-Tac-Toe 'Ten, I wanted to see how to put MIDIs in Virtual Boy games, so I check Planet Virtual Boy...closed to the public for maintenance/upgrades! It's been like this for all day now! I e-mailed KR155E (the owner) to see if he knew when the site would be back up...no response. He either is too busy to reply to me, or something has gone hideously wrong. I want my Planet Virtual Boy back! I am beginning to have withdrawl symptoms. Too bad nobody wants to talk Virtual Boy with me. In other news, I just ordered Pandemonium! for my N-Gage. Total cost (including shipping): <$6. Judging from screenshots I saw of the game, it looks like Pac-Man World 2, or maybe Kirby 64. Sure looks like fun, can't wait to try it. I played Puyo Pop for about 45 minutes and still was playing the exact same game. I had cleared about 1,200 Puyos and I wanted to quit, so I just game overed on purpose. Man, it seems...



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