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atari2600land's Blog - Pandemonium!


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3D my ass! While the sprites may be rendered in 3D, the gameplay is truly 2D. Game play moves like in Kirby 64. I was correct on that front. For those who haven't played Kirby 64, what it basically is is non-linear 2D gameplay. There sometimes can be turns, etc., unlike Super Mario World which is always straight, but it still basically is 2D gameplay. For those of you who don't know, I got a N-Gage recently, so I'm talking about the N-Gage version. The game looks absouletly beautiful, and plays good, but it's missing that certain something that makes me want to play it for long periods of time, like I do with Mario Kart DS or something. A quick fact: poet John Milton coined the word "pandemonium" in Paradise Lost as the capitol of Hell. Pan is an ancient Greek god which has been turned into a somewhat devil creature, demon is for demon, and then he added the suffix -ium. The word could just as well have been pandemonville. I wantee Sonic N next.



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