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Is it my imagination, or are there more eBay shils here than usual?


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It seems to me that there are more "new users" here promoting eBay auctions than I've experienced in the past. Am I imagining it?


I always thought that someone had to become a member of a community before "promoting sales," of any kind. That meant contributing posts, not just posting in the Marketplace. Maybe I was being too polite. Maybe I have strange personal rules that others don't.


I do not intend to be "snotty," just suggesting that buying from an unknown person might as well put us all back on eBay. The Marketplace has always been more trustworthy than "blind" eBay purchases, because this is a community with standards. The unknown, new users that have shown up recently somewhat kill that trust factor.


Is there something recently promoted elsewhere that would bring more new users here to promote their auctions?


If people agree with me... could there be a way to "block" posts to the Marketplace unless a user has been vetted, i.e. a certain number of posts (as a simple solution)?

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It seems to me that there are more "new users" here promoting eBay auctions than I've experienced in the past. Am I imagining it?


I always thought that someone had to become a member of a community before "promoting sales," of any kind. That meant contributing posts, not just posting in the Marketplace. Maybe I was being too polite. Maybe I have strange personal rules that others don't.


I do not intend to be "snotty," just suggesting that buying from an unknown person might as well put us all back on eBay. The Marketplace has always been more trustworthy than "blind" eBay purchases, because this is a community with standards. The unknown, new users that have shown up recently somewhat kill that trust factor.


Is there something recently promoted elsewhere that would bring more new users here to promote their auctions?


If people agree with me... could there be a way to "block" posts to the Marketplace unless a user has been vetted, i.e. a certain number of posts (as a simple solution)?


I hate it when the non game collector does that to, :x But for every 20 of them, we get a couple that stay and become part of our Family. Albert also benefits from the hits from ebay, from this site. Also the more exposure the better the site. I hear where you are coming from though. :)

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Albert also benefits from the hits from ebay, from this site. Also the more exposure the better the site.


I've thought about that as well. I agree completely with benefiting Albert, but the noise-to-signal ratio in the Marketplace could continue to drop. I know that Albert doesn't make money from Marketplace trades/sales, but maybe there is a way to set up a system so he can...


Of course, I can be imagining the increase of new users with auctions. Maybe it isn't really a problem...

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I've noticed it also. Perhaps it's a side-effect of the attention AtariAge got due to the Air Raid auction: "hey, there's people on these forums who spend beaucoup bucks on old video games, so maybe they'll want my stuff, too!" I'd say the best way to deal with it is to avoid buying from members until they are established participants in the community. That can mean members who have more than X number of posts (whatever value of X seems reasonable to you), or members for whom the majority of their posts are in forums other than the Marketplace. If enough people do that, I suspect that the shillers will go elsewhere on their own.

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If people agree with me... could there be a way to "block" posts to the Marketplace unless a user has been vetted, i.e. a certain number of posts (as a simple solution)?

This idea has been floated before - and Digital Press has/had a similar arrangement (a certain number of posts before a user could access the marketplace forum to sell) - but my sense is that most people aren't in favor of it. The community tends to police itself pretty well, and while we have to put up with a lot of one-hit wonders, the occasional Tanman or Scrabbler that shows up have interesting items indeed.

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Here we go again.... :roll:


In regards to the actual discussion and not the asinine argument that will ensue from "whether someone thinks the community has standards or not", I think the Air Raid auction and others have gotten some high-profile recognition for AA. Remember, AA was plugged at every opportunity throughout that sale -- which means a large influx of new users.


I agree with what Zwackery is saying -- we tend to police ourselves really well for that sort of thing. We have a bad trader list and almost anyone that is out to make a dishonest buck from any AtariAge members will get publicly outed very quickly.


This is the Internet, after all, and not some "super secret exclusive club" -- the whole point is that anyone can access it. We're always going to get some dishonest folks or people who are just using it to whore their eBay sales rather than contribute, but that just comes with the territory in my book.


If you don't want to be involved with a new member that doesn't seem to do anything other than use AA as their moneymaking sale site, then I'd suggest just moving past the threads and ignoring them. You can even do what I do and maintain a "recommended trader" list and only buy from those people you trust.


Any time you buy anything online you're taking a risk. We can mitigate that risk by posting good traders and feedback and even posting bad traders for people to avoid, but that will only work to a certain point. I think 'caveat emptor' has to hold true for just about every transaction on here, and I personally only trade or buy from long-term members with 500 posts.


That's my rule of thumb. Less than 500 posts, I'm generally not interested. Maybe sticking to that rule as a personal rule will help most members.

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Allowing a Whitesnake video to be posted on AA is proof positive that we have no standards. :P


But seriously, we don't need any additional vetting process for new members here. On the other side of the coin, we've been unnecessarily unfriendly to new members as well.


Both new and long-time members use this site to shill their auctions. That's what the auction forum is for. Isn't it?

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Hey, I'm just saying that someone always gets riled up and feels the need to defend the 'standards' of the community, which makes no sense to me at all. :D I am with you -- this is the internet, 87% porn, 10% online gambling, and 1% Atari. Standards need not apply. :D

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Hey, I'm just saying that someone always gets riled up and feels the need to defend the 'standards' of the community, which makes no sense to me at all. :D I am with you -- this is the internet, 87% porn, 10% online gambling, and 1% Atari. Standards need not apply. :D

The other 2% is love.


No, wait, it's porn.

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Whitesnake makes everything seem a little better.


That's what she said.




Allowing a Whitesnake video to be posted on AA is proof positive that we have no standards. :P




Please do not post self-portraits at AtariAge. It scares the elderly and warps the minds of little children.



Back on topic, eBay shill sounds like an expensive meal at a fancy restaurant.

Edited by Random Terrain
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Whitesnake makes everything seem a little better.


That's what she said.




Allowing a Whitesnake video to be posted on AA is proof positive that we have no standards. :P




Please do not post self-portraits at AtariAge. It scares the elderly and warps the minds of little children.


This is clearly false, I obviously have an afro in my profile pic. :roll:

Edited by brandondwright
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That's my rule of thumb. Less than 500 posts, I'm generally not interested. Maybe sticking to that rule as a personal rule will help most members.


Wow! 500 posts! That'd take years to people like me (luckily I have nothing to sell, anyway :P )

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Well now I feel bad about registering just before posting about my auctions... :sad:


I've browsed AA off and on for years, just never had a need to post until now. And I promise, you won't hurt my feelings if you say my items are not one in a million collector's items.

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Well now I feel bad about registering just before posting about my auctions... :sad:


I've browsed AA off and on for years, just never had a need to post until now. And I promise, you won't hurt my feelings if you say my items are not one in a million collector's items.

I wouldn't worry really, mostly everyone will be straightforwardly honest with you, and some might even be nice...at least until you keep stubbornly insisting that your rare item is worth X even though we said it's probably not and nobody on eBay bid it up anywhere near what you think X is. :ponder:


Generally asking questions and doing research should be looked at as a positive thing.

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...and I personally only trade or buy from long-term members with 500 posts.


That's my rule of thumb. Less than 500 posts, I'm generally not interested. Maybe sticking to that rule as a personal rule will help most members.

Wow, Mr. Monkey Man, kinda stiff standards if you ask me. Sorry, I know you didn't ask me. :) So, I've not been here a year yet and I have only 300+ posts, one purchase in my rep thread (plus a trade pending). So if I have something you want (or vice-versa) you generally wouldn't deal with me? :sad:


Also, just to be clear, "shill" isn't the correct term for the topic of this thread.



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Wow, Mr. Monkey Man, kinda stiff standards if you ask me. Sorry, I know you didn't ask me. :) So, I've not been here a year yet and I have only 300+ posts, one purchase in my rep thread (plus a trade pending). So if I have something you want (or vice-versa) you generally wouldn't deal with me? :sad:

Yes, people who talk too much are more trustworthy. That's why used car salesmen are highly respected.

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Yes, people who talk too much are more trustworthy. That's why used car salesmen are highly respected.




I take your point, RT. But in the context of this thread, where seemingly posts in discussions are a sign that you're not just here to sell your junk, apparently my 300+ all-discussion, no-sales posts aren't up to Mr. Monkey Man's standards. ;)


And, for the record, I am not one to boast my post count. I know of people on AA who joined about the same time as me who have tons more posts, and boy they let you know about it.



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