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RXB - Rich Extended Basic


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Rich Gilbertson said: "By the way this method makes BOOT virtually completely worthless to use. What can it do that this RXB method can not do? (16 drives and 3 Hard Drive instant LOAD or UTIL1 access)"


I assume you're completely unfamiliar with BOOT or you would not have made that statement, or you're nuts. I, and many others, am not sure which of the 2 options it is at this point.


BOOT allows complete configuration of the name on the menu as well as the pathname. Any pathname can be used. Perhaps you are not aware, but TI files can have different names other than LOAD or UTIL1. They might be named MDM5, or DM2K, or DSKU. Let me know if I lose you anywhere along the way, ok?


BOOT also doesn't care if it's an XB or EA program that it's loading, give it the filename and it'll figure it out on it's own. That's why a version of XB that complies to TI standards must be present. There's only one version out in the wild that doesn't fit that bill. I wonder which one that may be? Are you still with me?


The TI community is not "The World According To Rich". Get over yourself and try to get along with people. You called 'Me" stubborn????? I know a story about a pot and a kettle that may apply here.


Wake up, Dude.


Before you can do this you have to load BOOT from XB then use BOOT. (that is two steps before you even press a key to select your program)


RXB runs LOAD that is smaller and takes less space and a pathname can be 255 characters long. (and yes I have used BOOT mostly with my Supercart)


RXB LOAD PROGRAM on DISK 7 press one key.



From start up of RXB hit 7 key. This loads FW off hard drive. Just one key pressed to get into FW.


To do the same thing using BOOT. From XB LOAD the XB LOAD program loader for BOOT, then use BOOT to go to FW. (One extra step needed)


Now BOOT is the same speed if BOOT is in the Supercart with only 2 steps like RXB. But then you can no longer run XB programs at all. (How I used to use BOOT)


I am not being closed minded I just see both sides at same time. You may prefer BOOT but that does not change that it is bugged loading even normal XB correctly.

RANDOM number generation does not work from BOOT properly and we know this for a fact for years.

Also some XB programs crash as the memory is not properly initialized before starting the XB program.


There are two sides to any argument. I am just pointing out facts. You can prefer BOOT, but do not claim it is flawless, RXB is not but I am fixing things activity all the time.

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I believe you shared the rant. I have not had any spare clock cycles to review FW/Boot code to come to any conclusions. Appears we have the RXB menu and the LOAD problems. I do not know if Tony's modded RXB addresses either issue, if at all. Not much more I can say at this point.

There is more then that wrong.

Both FW and BOOT do not run RANDOM numbers correctly from XB after loaded.

Many years and posts have proven this one. This goes back as far as posts in Micropendium on the issue with BOOT and FW XB loaders.

Also some XB programs crash as memory for XB is not initialized properly.

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Nope, try again. Please start with an accurate statement before making any argument based on that statement.

Do you have Boot in GROM or ROM or on a DSR and not need a loader at all?


I did at one time have BOOT in GROM on the PGRAM and in ROM on a Supercart.


And using a crippled Horizon RAMDISK used the Second DSR with BOOT on it.


So which one are you doing?

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I believe you shared the rant. I have not had any spare clock cycles to review FW/Boot code to come to any conclusions. Appears we have the RXB menu and the LOAD problems. I do not know if Tony's modded RXB addresses either issue, if at all. Not much more I can say at this point.


I don't think so. I'll have to take another look at it, I was just trying to get RXB working normally to start, which I have. I'll see if the entry points required can be put back where they're supposed to be as my next task.


Just in case you missed it:



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Do you have Boot in GROM or ROM or on a DSR and not need a loader at all?


I did at one time have BOOT in GROM on the PGRAM and in ROM on a Supercart.


And using a crippled Horizon RAMDISK used the Second DSR with BOOT on it.


So which one are you doing?


That's the suggested usage, yes.

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I believe you shared the rant. I have not had any spare clock cycles to review FW/Boot code to come to any conclusions. Appears we have the RXB menu and the LOAD problems. I do not know if Tony's modded RXB addresses either issue, if at all. Not much more I can say at this point.


Well I should have actually checked instead of guessing. My fixes to RXB DO allow BOOT to load and run XB programs, I just tested it out with several different programs out of curiosity. So the problem all along was the Menu.


My work here is done. RXB is now fixed. :)



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Well I should have actually checked instead of guessing. My fixes to RXB DO allow BOOT to load and run XB programs, I just tested it out with several different programs out of curiosity. So the problem all along was the Menu.


My work here is done. RXB is now fixed. :)




I wonder if Rich could create a test program to determine if the initialization issues he wrote about are an issue with BOOT. The source code I have may not be the most current version, and I have no time for a disassembly exercise now. It seems the simplest test is related to the random number generation. And of course, maybe sharing what you changed ;) (unless I missed that message earlier in one of these threads)

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I wonder if Rich could create a test program to determine if the initialization issues he wrote about are an issue with BOOT. The source code I have may not be the most current version, and I have no time for a disassembly exercise now. It seems the simplest test is related to the random number generation. And of course, maybe sharing what you changed ;) (unless I missed that message earlier in one of these threads)


Well, the GPL code jumps out of the normal initialization process in the g>6300 area and jumps up to the g>7A00 area. There the menu is created and all the options and keypresses are checked. I just jumped over all the unnecessary menu crap in that area and had the menu select the option for running DSK1.LOAD. I then jumped to some unused space up in the >7F00 area to check for the spacebar press and return to the 'no file, run xb' address if the result was yes, else it returned to the >6A00 area to run DSK1.LOAD. I can't describe it better than that because I have a different understanding of GPL code than most people, it's sort of like the code running by in the computer screens of 'The Matrix' and the guys looking at it know what's happening.



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This so called fix does not fix the original issue I pointed out with these XB loaders.


A. Random number Generator does not work properly.

B. XB memory is not properly initialized so creates unknown crash of some XB programs.


​Just because it works does not mean it is fixed or correct.

These XB loaders are still broken despite your applied so called fix.


Besides which you have ignored this fact every single time I have pointed this fact out. (Not a single response to this yet!)

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This so called fix does not fix the original issue I pointed out with these XB loaders.


A. Random number Generator does not work properly.

B. XB memory is not properly initialized so creates unknown crash of some XB programs.


​Just because it works does not mean it is fixed or correct.

These XB loaders are still broken despite your applied so called fix.


Besides which you have ignored this fact every single time I have pointed this fact out. (Not a single response to this yet!)


A. Statement with no proof.

B. Statement with no proof. Never happened in ANY of my tests.


That's my response. RXB was broken, I fixed it. Period.



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By the way can I start changing XB 2.7 and push out those changes? Fair is fair.


You can do anything you want with XB v2.7. That's not an issue. I've responded to any requests and made the necessary requested changes and everyone was happy with the results. I don't think that anything you do to it will improve it and convince people to use your version of it. After all, it's TI Extended Basic compatible with improvements, which is what I understand people desire.


Sounds like sour grapes to me. A bug in your precious RXB was fixed by someone else and you don't like it. Well I'm sorry, but when I asked politely for a fix you were stubborn and adamant that nothing was wrong, so I had to find the bug myself and correct it.


Again I point out, It's easier to work together with people than to argue with them, a better result is achieved. You are welcome to get on board with the rest of us here at any time.



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By the way can I start changing XB 2.7 and push out those changes? Fair is fair.

In all fairness Rich you put the source out there and invited anyone to make a version of RXB.


You obviously have some talent in coding. Maybe it's time to take on a new project?

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Well, the GPL code jumps out of the normal initialization process in the g>6300 area and jumps up to the g>7A00 area. There the menu is created and all the options and keypresses are checked. I just jumped over all the unnecessary menu crap in that area and had the menu select the option for running DSK1.LOAD. I then jumped to some unused space up in the >7F00 area to check for the spacebar press and return to the 'no file, run xb' address if the result was yes, else it returned to the >6A00 area to run DSK1.LOAD. I can't describe it better than that because I have a different understanding of GPL code than most people, it's sort of like the code running by in the computer screens of 'The Matrix' and the guys looking at it know what's happening.





Yea, I know what you mean. GPL Nerd. :dunce:

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Damn Neo, you did that with a hex editor? That's fucking spooky...... You do taxes? ;-)


Yea, I've used a hex editor for ALL GPL code I've ever written, it's much easier and quicker than working with source. Write the code, run it.


Unfortunately I don't know a damn thing about taxes, wife's a CPA. :)


So are you Morpheus or Agent Smith? :-D

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A. Statement with no proof.

B. Statement with no proof. Never happened in ANY of my tests.


That's my response. RXB was broken, I fixed it. Period.





You can do anything you want with XB v2.7. That's not an issue. I've responded to any requests and made the necessary requested changes and everyone was happy with the results. I don't think that anything you do to it will improve it and convince people to use your version of it. After all, it's TI Extended Basic compatible with improvements, which is what I understand people desire.


Sounds like sour grapes to me. A bug in your precious RXB was fixed by someone else and you don't like it. Well I'm sorry, but when I asked politely for a fix you were stubborn and adamant that nothing was wrong, so I had to find the bug myself and correct it.


Again I point out, It's easier to work together with people than to argue with them, a better result is achieved. You are welcome to get on board with the rest of us here at any time.




I have stated many times now that I am working on RXB 2014 and others besides YOU have wanted the "Press any key for DSK#.LOAD" as a permanent option.

(I have letters and requests from all over the world on this one.)

I have also stated in RXB 2014 I would do something about your MENU objections but being unwilling to acknowledge what I am doing or obstinate about it ignore my statements.


You have yet to provide a single name other then YOU that has a issue with this.

What people where and who?

Why has no one said anything to me but you?

How is that possible?

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In all fairness Rich you put the source out there and invited anyone to make a version of RXB.


You obviously have some talent in coding. Maybe it's time to take on a new project?

I did not invite attacks or one sided view points that do not even allow me to modify and update my own product I designed and created.


Do you think that is fair or even sane?


So if I attacked you about something you created and told you to go do something else you would go along with that?

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I did not invite attacks or one sided view points that do not even allow me to modify and update my own product I designed and created.


Do you think that is fair or even sane?


So if I attacked you about something you created and told you to go doomething else you would go along with that?

Rich..... You said the programs in question were crap and were not going to accomodate bad programming and then laid down the challange for anyone to make an RXB of their liking. Now it seems your upset that it happened.


It's not like some goofy post happy troll did this. It was Tony and in case you have missed the last two weeks he's pretty damn good at this shit. Your not the only one who got sent to school lately?

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I'm gonna try one more time.


People are being civil with you and making polite requests for functional changes in your software based on their likes and needs.

You are interpreting these requests as attacks. I understand that, you are proud of your software, and yes it does some great things.

But the fact is that some of the things that you are doing and think are correct is breaking a lot of other software and in essence makes

your software incompatible with accepted TI standards.


Maybe you're right, I don't know. But as I've stated before, You trying to impose "The TI according to Rich" on everyone else isn't going to work. You didn't want to adjust RXB to cooperate with other software, and didn't want to try to adjust it to do so because you were stubborn and wanted others to adjust to you, which is completely unfair, so I had to do it.


Rich Gilbertson, you have a serious problem in trying to compromise and work with others. If you can't solve this problem by yourself, please seek professional help. We want you here, but we want you here in a good way.



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Yea, I've used a hex editor for ALL GPL code I've ever written, it's much easier and quicker than working with source. Write the code, run it.


Unfortunately I don't know a damn thing about taxes, wife's a CPA. :)


So are you Morpheus or Agent Smith? :-D

I'm the Guy that dies in the tube and gets flushed in scene one :-)

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