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New TV or 2nd hand Monitor?


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At some point in the near future I want to have the following set-up Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Atari STE & Atari 800XL permanently rather than having to get them out of storage. As its going to be increasingly difficult to display on new TV's without some messing around would I be better of getting a TV something like CRT TV or a RGB monitor like the Phillips or Commodore Types which seem to be reasonably priced on ebay.


Disadvantage for the Monitors would be having to modify the 2600 and 7800 for composite or using a converter for rf, however it used to be that the monitors would display to a better resolution that the SCART or composite input on a TV is this still the case?



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Well, given the subtitle of your post, monitor, obviously. :) True, you'd have to A/V mod your systems for the best results. Running the systems' unmodded RF through a VCR or demodulator to the monitor won't improve your picture, it will only serve as a convenient conversion method.


Speaking of monitors, why limit yourself to the Commodore-type monitor? Kinda small, IMHO. Just about any late-model CRT TV offered A/V inputs, and would give a good picture, and came in larger screen sizes. CRT TVs also offer the advantage of RF input, until you get your systems modded over to composite and/or S-Video output.




[edit] Forgot to mention another huge advantage of late-model CRT TVs: They're dirt-cheap, and getting cheaper. Now that everyone's moving to HD, you can have them for a song. [/edit]

Edited by tetrode kink
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Agreed, I have a 22" Sylvania that I play everything on. There are all the jacks and RF input as well. I paid full price new for this one years ago, but see them all over the place for ~$30 in great shape.


I am scared that you will actually try to sing for one and have a 22" TV thrown AT you. I know I couldn't sing well enough NOT to get one tossed at me :lol:

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I managed to find a decent 2001 Sharp TV with Composite input. Maybe I'm full of it but it seems to make a big difference with my flashback 2+. The only negative I have is that if you are a non-smoker get one from a non-smoker, because your tv will stink. Unfortunately in my area even pregnant women smoke.

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Agreed, I have a 22" Sylvania that I play everything on. There are all the jacks and RF input as well. I paid full price new for this one years ago, but see them all over the place for ~$30 in great shape.


I am scared that you will actually try to sing for one and have a 22" TV thrown AT you. I know I couldn't sing well enough NOT to get one tossed at me :lol:


exactly! Our main TV was given to us so I might keep that one when we swap the dining room & living room (if I can get away with it!) biggest problem is going to be space, which is why a 14" would be better (with some sort of scart switch-box) I need to do something soon as the damp cellar is not the best place for retro equipment!



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OK, yes, I'm gonna quote myself. Yeah, I'm that D-bag...


...Speaking of monitors, why limit yourself to the Commodore-type monitor? Kinda small, IMHO...

Just wanted to say, here it looks like I'm dissing the Commodore 1702. I didn't mean to. From some of the pics I've seen where one is displaying a VCS game, they give a breathtaking - drool-inducing, even - picture. I wouldn't mind having one at all. My point was that that isn't the only option, especially if you want a larger screen or if you need RF inputs, etc.



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