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I think there needs to be a warning thread...


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Or maybe it would do no good, I don't know.... I'm sick of seeing these pop up myself

eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2506418241581?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=250641824158&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


And not to stir the pot but back in the day I was on Randy's "side" because it was pretty clear he wasn't in it for the money, or at least wasn't stupid greedy about it, and mostly made repros for people who wanted to play the games they couldn't normally afford.


Now though, he's taking advantage and these damn things are popping up left and right. Granted, 90% of members here know better, but there's new people joining all the time, and dropping $40-$50 bucks on a phony would sure turn me away from the hobby fast.


I wonder if we post these when they pop up and everybody reports them, not just one or two people maybe Ebay will start actively pulling them. I know they seemed to have stopped giving a shit altogether...I myself still report stuff once in a while and it's ultra-rare they do anything. BUT, that's just when one person is reporting. I'm thinking they get 10+ people they'll have to pay attention.


I'm probably whacked in the head about this...but it's getting ridiculous.


Edit: It's been pointed out to me that this is NOT Randy. I assumed it was not just for the Hozer mark but the fact this seller has a few others for sale.

Still, this particular seller is trying to deceive. The two Halloweens have a very tiny mention of it being a Hozer repro, but it's clear he expects people to not read the fine print. The Ewok Adventure has no mention of this being a Hozer cart.

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Or maybe it would do no good, I don't know.... I'm sick of seeing these pop up myself

eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2506418241581?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=250641824158&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


And not to stir the pot but back in the day I was on Randy's "side" because it was pretty clear he wasn't in it for the money, or at least wasn't stupid greedy about it, and mostly made repros for people who wanted to play the games they couldn't normally afford.


Now though, he's taking advantage and these damn things are popping up left and right. Granted, 90% of members here know better, but there's new people joining all the time, and dropping $40-$50 bucks on a phony would sure turn me away from the hobby fast.


I wonder if we post these when they pop up and everybody reports them, not just one or two people maybe Ebay will start actively pulling them. I know they seemed to have stopped giving a shit altogether...I myself still report stuff once in a while and it's ultra-rare they do anything. BUT, that's just when one person is reporting. I'm thinking they get 10+ people they'll have to pay attention.

Perhaps Albert can make a sticky in the Auctions section with a warning like this one:




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What would eBay do if a lot of people reported it as "fraud" or something like that?


I think that is going over board. The buyer has some responsibility to educate himself . Also he does state it is a "copy". Not the best word to use (as I pointed out probably reproduction would be) but not fraud either.

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Personally, I would not commit to spending a lot of money on something very rare without taking a few steps to research it and double-check.

If someone loses out because he/she didn't take a few minutes to check the facts, it's hard for me to find sympathy.

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Well, it's apparently not the good idea I thought. 84 views and only 2 replies. I'd have thought more community members would take issue with this problem but I guess not. :|

Apparently every person who reads the thread and agrees with you should post "me too" instead of reading it and not posting.

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Well, it's apparently not the good idea I thought. 84 views and only 2 replies. I'd have thought more community members would take issue with this problem but I guess not. :|

Apparently every person who reads the thread and agrees with you should post "me too" instead of reading it and not posting.


WTF? Isn't the point of a discussion thread to discuss things? Jeez excuse me. :roll:

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Ebay, is definately part of the the problem, I have listed things and had them pulled for possibly being reproductions, like modded items. Hozer is only making cheap repros and it is the buyers(or sellers on ebay) that are trying to take advantage of underinformed people. I think it will all calm down soon, this guy with the Halloween and Texas Chainsaw massacres has seen his price drop alot in the last couple weeks.The buyers will learn and the market exclude this kind of crap. It will fix itself.

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People often say they need to buy a copy of a game and they don't mean an illegal copy or a reproduction, so the word copy could be misleading.


I was thinking the same thing.


What I think is weird is that his picture has the same cartridge scan from atariage with hozer's symbol photoshopped on it.




I guess that makes him sort of honest... or he got the picture somewhere else and has no idea what he's doing.

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